443 (MH - Maritime Helicopter) Squadron Heritage
A project I started in 1993 with four 8-ft X 8-ft placards of aircraft representing different eras of 443 Squadron. I was contacted in 2022 to complete the project with two more. Completed in March 2024.

ZBrush Sculptures
I discovered Zbrush as a tool to develop the layout for a painting of the July 1st 1916 Battle of the Somme at Beaumont Hamel (not finished - maybe I got distracted).

Christmas Cards
My brother and I have a long history of sharing 'hand-made' Christmas Cards. Here is a sample of my artwork.

'Sharpie' Works
Bored in high school - I doodled - a lot. A Sharpie marker was my usual go to. Now Adobe Fresco with an Apple Pencil. Then refined in Adobe Illustrator CC.

'Gear' Projects
Only two projects so far...

Line Drawings
Not sure if these are line drawings. Have a look.